Are you really gluten intolerant? Or have you just been eating too much Roundup lately?

What?! Eating Roundup? What the **** are you talking about? Roundup is Monsanto’s name for their signature weed killer. Its principal active ingredient, called glyphosate (pronounced, glie-foe-sate), was patented in the early 1970s. Roundup is more than just a weed killer, it’s a system. A whole suite of crops have been genetically modified (GM) to be “Roundup resistant”.  That means that a gene from a bacterium that makes Roundup ineffective, has been transferred into certain crops, like corn, soy and…

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The Great Hilltowns Farm and Artisan Tour

Question: What is the most important element of a local agricultural economy? Answer: The consumer. Without people willing to buy what we produce, there can be no local agricultural economy. Perhaps vegetable farmer, Ethan Ball, said it best: “I love growing great food. But I like selling it more.” The value of the local producer-consumer relationship cannot be overstated. The money spent by shopping locally, stays in our communities. It travels around the community, “multiplying” its economic impact as it goes. For…

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If you’re a vegan, consider making a big change

Americans eat way too much meat. The US has the second highest per capita meat consumption in the world. (If you’re interested, the country with the highest per capita meat consumption is Luxembourg – go figure!) Most American omnivores would do well to reduce their meat consumption by at least a third. And no one should be eating meat produced on factory farms where animals are treated obscenely, and where diseases have emerged that didn’t exist before factory farming became…

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Welcome to the Longfield Farm Blog

Hello, Welcome to our farm blog. Thank you for checking us out. We decided to start blogging for several reasons. First, if you’ve visited our Facebook page lately, you’ll notice that there is not a lot going on. Given the recent issues with Facebook, we’ve decided not to share our information or that of friends, family and customers with a platform that we don’t believe is secure. Instead, you’ll be hearing from us on this blog. Second, there is a…

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